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Learn To Play (LTP)

The  IYHL runs a Learn To Play (LTP) program for all youth skaters new to the sport of hockey.

This program is separate from the Learn To Skate classes which are hosted by the Compton Ice Arena at Notre Dame.

The LTP focuses on basic skating fundamentals which are the first key to playing the sport of ice hockey.

It is a requirement for all brand new players (having never participated in hockey) to participate in one LTP session before enrolling for team/league play.  Our LTP group is split into 2 or 3 sessions (usually they are organized by last name depending on number of registrants) to allow beginners some space for individual instruction to get them started.  Players must be 4 years old to sign up and participate (they must turn 4 before starting LTP).

The progam normally has two sessions a season:  early Fall (Sept.-Oct.) and Winter (Jan-Feb).  The sessions run for 7-8 weeks (on-ice a minimum of once a week on the weekends).  Participants are provided with a "Learn to Play" jersey but must bring/rent their own hockey equipment to participate.

A limited number of Rental Equipment sets is available for younger beginners to help them (and their parents) get started.   The rental equipment package provides most of the basics needed to start hockey but doesn't include ice hockey skates.  Please see our Equipment FAQ for a better explanation of the equipment requirements to play.

The cost of the program will run $65 with rental equipment being $40 (this does not include ice skates, you must provide those yourself).

Below is the PDF for our parent's introduction email when joining Learn To Play to help answer any other questions you might have.